Category: Cultural History
Inspired by the strangest of sources
Writing for me has become a passion but like many it ebbs and flows. I’m inspired by the strangest source. For several weeks I have been harbouring the thought that really to write here I need to write to someone – someone special. I know who that person is. I have an idea of how…
Fraser Basin Council
One of the things that I learned very quickly about ecology and landscape management was that there is always a context. In the San Juans a major part of the context is the Fraser Valley. That there is a group that is focussed on this area and that they are producing a “Sustainablity Report Card”…
Scottish Influence Runs Deep
San Juan Island Lodging at The Highland Inn Bed and Breakfast, outside Friday Harbor, WA I keep running into this website wherever I turn in the last few weeks. Well linked and well liked I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it as a wonderful place to stay if you are visiting San Juan…
Some Day’s Sunshine
Sitting in the sunshine at Whitby’s Cafe and Bookstore in waterfront White Rock is just one of those moments. Across sparkling Boundary Bay sits Birch Head as the old timers call it Birch Point for those who come at a land perspective. And amazingly enough rising gently in the fog and haze of the day…
Salish Sea
I first came across this term as I started writing this journal and puzzled I made a note to explore it further to understand what it is and where the term comes from. Wikipedia gives us our first clues. An ancient name for the area stretching from the south of Puget Sound WA to the…
Pirates Day – September 19
Okay a day late and a dollar short. But what kind of blog about the San Juans could not mention pirates day? Okay so we didn’t have Morgan or some of the other greats. But we did have our characters. In Bellingham in Fairhaven there is a statue dedicated to the fond memory of Dirty…